Braunton Burrows SouthSun 19 Nov
Level C DL3 SWOL
Regional level event
What does this mean?
Local events are usually low key and in the 'localised' area, ideal for newcomers to try the sport and Training events are non competitive and used for training and coaching, aimed at members of the club, but they can attract people from neighbouring clubs, and are often ideal for newcomers to try the sport. Regional events attract participants from around the local Region, National events are high quality competitions that will attract people from far away, Major events are Major Events such as a British Championships. Virtual events are where there are no physical controls being used. Your presence at a control is registered using an App on your mobile phone, normally the free MapRun6 App.
Terrain type: Sand Dunes
Planner's Comments
I hope you all enjoyed the event, although perhaps not the sand blasting. The wind on top of the main ridge when I woke up controls on the Sunday morning was ferocious, and it didn't relent. My first planning visit coincided with another sand blasting day, you get to appreciate how the dunes can move over time. Braunton is a delight to plan on, it's an area that genuinely offers high levels of technical difficulty, but it still takes care to plan a course that provides those challenges whilst still being fair. Contours are not just fiddly little lines on the map, they show you the terrain, but reading the detail, especially where there are lots of smaller features that are not significant enough to be mapped, takes practice. Most of us also think it's easier with a 1:7.5k map rather than the more usual 1:10k, and we made that choice with you in mind.
I had at an early stage decided to reverse the overall flow of the courses from the previous event, simply to give you a different experience. This gave you a very technical start, no easy introduction, and hopefully your navigating improved as you went along. I had considered a balance between route-choice and technical orienteering throughout, and hopefully gave you a variety of different challenges. Some of the courses deliberately had the option for a route choice along the beach (and the controller and I had dutifully checked the safety of that choice too!), although I think the weather on the day put you all off from that choice. One to think about for next time you're there!
Thanks from me go to Chris for the mapping (not an easy job given the vegetation changes), Ian for challenging some of the choices I had made, Tom for getting everything organised smoothly, El for managing the SI so well, all the control collectors (if there's one job that planners really appreciate, it's volunteering to collect controls in afterwards), and in particular to you all for getting to the event, persevering with your runs in particularly horrible conditions, and all the wonderful comments you've provided!
Damian Wilson (Planner)
Controller's Comments
As Controller, my job is to oversee the organisation and planning of an event such that the Rules are followed and the event safety is reasonably addressed.
I can say that in this regard, Devon OC (all club members) and Tom and Damian in particular, are a pleasure to work with. In spite of the less than ideal conditions, everybody mucked in to ensure the the event ran smoothly. Thank you all, on behalf of the competitors.
As regards the courses, Damian said at the beginning that the area was very fast (if you are fit enough)! However, I insisted that he plan more or less within the BOF guidelines, as we had to take into account all the competitors abilities.
It turned out that we had some very fast times for those who weren't befuddled by the intricate terrain and a good spread of times by those that more or less were! I hope you enjoyed Damian's courses, which made excellent use of the area, if not the sand blasting, mainly in the early stages of your course.
Ian Whitehead
Thanks to Damian for his excellent courses, Ian for controlling, Tom for organising, and all of you for coming.
UPDATE: Entries extended until 17 November at 23:59 (Friday night), subject to map availability.
Braunton Burrows offers diverse terrain, including sand dunes with complex contour detail, more open areas with fast running, and small wooded areas.
This event is part of the South West Orienteering League
(NB - there is an event in S Wales at Broughton Burrows on the same day - take care to enter the right event!)
Location Info
Near: Braunton Lat,Lng: 51.07660,-4.18596 OS Grid Ref: SS467327 Postcode: EX33 2NX What3Words: ///learns.teacher.whisk
Open an interactive map in: GoogleMap - OpenStreetMap - AppleMaps - BingMap
Directions / Parking
Crow Point, Braunton. Car parking in a public car park at the end of the crow point toll road. The toll road has a barrier that requires £2.50 in change. Please note this!
Signposted from toll road entrance
Registration will be in open space to the west of parking.
Start is 400m from registration
Finish is 800m from registration, signposted from toll road entrance.
Pre-event Details
Map / Terrain
Map: Scale 1:7500. Updated 2023 by Chris Johnson.
Terrain: Braunton Burrows is a large area of complex sand dunes adjoining the Taw estuary and the beach at Saunton Sands, high in places, mostly stabilised by grass or other vegetation. It makes for some very fast running, but progress is slower over steep and sandy areas and you will find your course will undulate considerably as it makes its way over the dunes. Vegetation in the competition area was extensively cleared early in 2023, although has been rapidly growing back over the summer. The flatter, lower, regions may either be dry or marshy, depending upon the recent rainfall and the depth of the water table. The many large depressions offer a very technical orienteering challenge with much contour detail. An intermittent path network is used by the easier courses. Although the mapper has done his best to map these accurately, paths at Braunton often change in definition as their usage alters, and can also move slightly, expect to find many unmapped and indistinct trails on the ground.
Course Information
Course | Length (km) | Climb (m) | Controls | Technical Ability |
Brown | 7.2 | 175 | 20 | Advanced |
Blue | 5.2 | 140 | 15 | Advanced |
Green | 3.3 | 110 | 9 | Advanced |
Short Green | 2.8 | 75 | 9 | Advanced |
Light Green | 3.1 | 75 | 9 | Intermediate |
Orange | 2.8 | 55 | 7 | Fairly Easy |
Yellow | 2.7 | 45 | 11 | Easy |
Note that it is not possible to offer a white course.
This event will use the SportIdent electronic system. Control stations will be enabled for touch free punching (SIAC) but competitors will need to punch the start and finish control. All control sites will have a backup system in the event of control failure.
All control sites will have a backup system in the event of control failure.
All courses will cross a fence; you must cross only at a recognised crossing place and we mark these options as crossing points on the map
Read more about Course lengths and Difficulty here
Entry Details
Entry until 12th November 2023 here:

BOF members fees: £10 seniors, £5 novice, £3 juniors and students. Novice £5. Group £6 (2 maps). Dibber charge £1.
UPDATE: Entries extended until 17 November at 23:59 (Friday night), subject to map availability.
Seniors £12. Juniors and students £4. On the day entry, courses and additional map charge £1 - whilst maps are available.
Punching will be SI. SIAC enabled.
Purchase credit to use when entering any future Devon Orienteering Racesignup events. Buy Racesignup credits here
Registration and Start times
Registration open: 1000-1215
Start times: 1030 - 1230
Course closes: 1430
Dog restrictions
Dogs not allowed on course. Allowed on leads in registration area.
Contacts / Officials
Organiser: email hidden; JavaScript is required (07938764579)
Planner: Damian Wilson
Controller: Ian Whitehead
Nearest A&E Hospital
North Devon District Hospital EX31 4JB
NHS Urgent care search
Safety Notes
- Full leg covering is required. Check for tick bites after the event.
In the event of inclement weather, suitable protection eg cagoule, must be carried or worn, and will be checked. Signs will be displayed at registration.
Devon Orienteering Club operates a “No Whistle No Go” policy. These will be checked at the start.
Some courses use the shore line. Ensure young children are not left unattended. Junior courses do not come close to the shore line; those on senior courses should pay attention to the state of tide if they find themselves on the shoreline
- There may be discarded military equipment on the dunes. There is no live ammunition, but please do not touch.
- The dunes are extensively used by walkers. Please be considerate to others particularly when running looking at your map.
- There may be cattle on the dunes. These are docile but take care around them if encountered. Please cross fences at recognised crossing places. Please leave gates as you find them.
- All runners must be aware that Orienteering can be hazardous, and they compete at own risk.
- Safety bearing - walk east to American road, then follow this South to registration.
With thanks to the Christie Estate for permission to the use the area.