Haldon ForestSat 30 Dec
Christmas Novelty Event
Local level event
What does this mean?
Local events are usually low key and in the 'localised' area, ideal for newcomers to try the sport and Training events are non competitive and used for training and coaching, aimed at members of the club, but they can attract people from neighbouring clubs, and are often ideal for newcomers to try the sport. Regional events attract participants from around the local Region, National events are high quality competitions that will attract people from far away, Major events are Major Events such as a British Championships. Virtual events are where there are no physical controls being used. Your presence at a control is registered using an App on your mobile phone, normally the free MapRun6 App.
Terrain type: Forest
Officials Reports:
Organiser's comments
Thanks to all the helpers, especially those who helped in getting the event set up, and answering my questions early on in the process. Thanks particularly to Matt and Spencer - great job, and Angela for stepping in to help with controls. It was a pretty stressful lead in with the fluctuating weather forecasts but feedback seemed very positive.Thanks to the rangers, as well, who were very helpful over the weather forecast.
Controller's comments
Well done to Chris organising his first event, he did a great job! As a Controller it's always reassuring when Organiser's start their preparations well in advance and Chris allowed himself plenty of time at each stage of the organising process. The weather threatened to throw a spanner in the works and we had a tense few days running up to the event as the forecast seemed to change each time we looked at it! Haldon Forest have a policy of closing the forest if the winds reach 55mph, we were just under that in the end!Planning Score courses can be a tricky business. One course that is suitable for novices as well as the fastest orienteers is not an easy thing to achieve. I think Ben managed to get the balance right by having lots of easier controls relatively close to the Start & Finish with a good spread of controls out in the forest as well. The Odds & Evens format ensured that even our winner didn't quite get all the controls within the hour, good effort though Jamie! Well done to all those who worked hard to put on the event, your efforts are very much appreciated by the club. All of our events rely on volunteers giving up their time to ensure that we can put on good quality orienteering that everyone can enjoy. I can honestly say that being involved in delivering events is just as rewarding as participating, so please step forward and offer to help out when you can.
Finally, well done to all of you who turned up on a mucky day for a wet and muddy run round the woods, you earned your mince pies and mulled wine!
Matt Atkins
Timing Lead comment
it was a great atmosphere and brilliant to see so many new new and old faces together at the end 😁
Spencer Modica
Our Christmas Novelty social event will take the form of a 1 hour score course, followed by mince pies and mulled (and non-mulled) drinks. Flyer here
The event is still on, but the weather forecast has fluctuated wildly. We are not expecting any further change but perhaps just check for any update emails in the morning before travelling.
Event is now full. Sorry, no entry on day as no additional maps left .
Location Info
Near: Kennford Lat,Lng: 50.65137,-3.58247 OS Grid Ref: SX884849 Postcode: EX6 7XR What3Words: chuck.kicks.ruffling
Open an interactive map in: GoogleMap - OpenStreetMap - AppleMaps - BingMap
Directions / Parking
Parking in the Haldon Forest Park car park, Bullers Hill, Kennford, Exeter or see : Haldon Forest park activities website.
Note that parking fees apply.
Please see Forest England's Haldon Forest website for details.
Note the parking machines do NOT accept cash.
Pre-event Details
Map / Terrain
Map: Scale 1:10,000 Updated spring 2019 by Erik Peckett. Map size for A4.
Terrain: Haldon Forest Park is a mixed woodland and managed forest estate that slopes away to the west-south-west. The forests (a mix of coniferous and deciduous trees) are crossed by a number of gravelled forest roads and tracks and with numerous smaller trails bisecting the forest. There are also numerous formal and informal mountain bike trails and the former should be avoided for running. Numerous small gullies and channels cross parts of the forest but for the most part the forest is relatively open and runnable.
Course Information
60 minute odds and evens score event – you decide whether to collect odd or even numbered controls first, then during the 60 minutes you decide when best to switch to collect the opposite (you can only switch once). In total there are 27 controls. All controls are worth 20 points with the exception of 4 controls being worth 30 points and a single control being worth 40 points. If you are over the 60 minute time limit then for each minute over you will be deducted 10 points.
Read more about Course lengths and Difficulty here
Entry Details
Event is now full. Sorry, no entry on day as no additional maps left .
Punching will be SI. SIAC enabled.
Registration and Start times
Registration open from 10:00 to 10:45 located in the wooden shelter next to GoApe (signed from the main car park (approx. 4-5 mins walk) or use What3Words: voter.poems.instincts
Start times 10:30 to 11:00. Courses close: 12:30. Punching starts at any time in start window (10:30 to 11:00).
Download tent will be next to finish in GoApe covered shelter. The way to the Start will be clearly signposted from the tent.
Toilets and café close to main car park see Forest Park website for details: here
Dog restrictions
Dogs on Leads please
Contacts / Officials
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Nearest A&E Hospital
Royal Devon and Exeter, Barrack Road, Exeter. EX2 5DW
NHS Urgent care search
Safety Notes
Please be aware that Haldon forest Park is used for a wide range of activities – including in the upper parts of the first by many families out walking. Both formal and informal mountain bike trails also exist and runners should be aware of cyclists on these and on the main forest tracks. The main mountain bike trails (marked on the maps in purple) should be avoided.
Given the hilltop location of Haldon and the high tree cover strong wind conditions can be an issue – and if the forecast is very bad the viability of the event will need to be considered.
All runners must be aware that Orienteering can be hazardous, and they compete at own risk.
Devon Orienteering Club thanks Haldon Forest Park for permission to hold this event.