Killerton National TrustSun 24 Mar
Devon League 7
Regional level event
What does this mean?
Local events are usually low key and in the 'localised' area, ideal for newcomers to try the sport and Training events are non competitive and used for training and coaching, aimed at members of the club, but they can attract people from neighbouring clubs, and are often ideal for newcomers to try the sport. Regional events attract participants from around the local Region, National events are high quality competitions that will attract people from far away, Major events are Major Events such as a British Championships. Virtual events are where there are no physical controls being used. Your presence at a control is registered using an App on your mobile phone, normally the free MapRun6 App.
Terrain type: Parkland & Woodland
Planners' Comments
What an incredible number of competitors we had for our Killerton event (over 200), all of which made me slightly nervous as a first-time league event planner, hoping I had got the courses right and more importantly, enjoyable!
There were a number of constraints to work around; the remote parking area, some impenetrable areas of bramble and ongoing forestry work creating piles of brashings making some areas unrunnable. I must thank John Pearce at this stage for his mapping updates given the changing vegetation on a virtually weekly basis in the run up to this event. In addition to the constraints was my lack of planning experience in setting the right technical challenges and lengths for the courses, given the terrain and type of area. I did however really enjoy the process of planning and adjusting the courses with excellent support and guidance throughout from the event controller, Jim Mallinson. Thank you Jim.
Thank you to those who came and gave me some feedback on the courses. Feedback (positive or negative) is always welcomed so I can get things better next time. A final thank you to the organisers, Alan and Philippa, all the volunteers who make it happen, and in particular to the control collectors, Ben Chesters, Tim & Robin Dafforn, Matt & Loius Atkins and Ollie Alexander for saving my legs from collecting them all in!
Karen Baker - Planner
Killerton’s 10 square mile estate is a mix of pasture, parkland and forestry, including several working farms. There are some steep areas and clay pits/quarries. Livestock is present in some areas so dogs must be kept on leads and may not accompany competitors on their courses. There will be visitors to the National Trust house and parklands who must be treated with courtesy at all times.
Location Info
Near: Killerton House Lat,Lng: 50.78714,-3.47696 Postcode: EX5 4ER What3Words: ///
Open an interactive map in: GoogleMap - OpenStreetMap - AppleMaps - BingMap
Directions / Parking
The venue is at Columbjohn Farm at the south west corner of the Killerton estate – not at Killerton House itself.
Approach is from Rewe to the west, Poltimore or Killerton itself.
A one way system will be in place to allow the safe movement of vehicles onto and off the site. Entry will be via the farm track next to the bridge over the River Culm, leading to marshal-directed parking on firm ground in the farmyard. Exit will be signposted from the farmyard via the main entrance to the farm 150 metres on the Exeter side of the bridge.
It is a working farm so please drive and park considerately, and be aware that it may be muddy if there has been recent rain. Usual request; please car share if possible.
Pre-event Details
Map / Terrain
All maps will be printed at 1:10,000
Terrain type: Open parkland with wooded areas some of which are on a steep slope. Some areas are covered in a thick bramble undergrowth and these areas are best avoided; choose your routes wisely!
Out of Bounds: There are areas of protected habitats which will be marked as OOB. There is also no crossing of wire fences, stone walls or Ha Has (google it if you don’t know what Ha Has are). Any infringement is likely to result in the Club being unable to stage future events – so just don’t!
Use designated crossing points. All competitors must use designated crossing points and leave all gates closed (cattle in grounds).
Cattle: There are some highland cattle on the Estate that are used for conservation grazing. Although some have large horns, they are not dangerous. If you encounter cattle whilst on your course, please try to avoid them and give them a wide berth where possible.
Other users of the area: Participants are asked to respect other users of the area; cyclists, dog walkers & families.
On-going forestry work. The courses try to avoid the worst areas, but competitors may come across areas of ongoing forestry work – please don’t be surprised by it.
Course Information
The event is SIAC enabled. The Start and Finish must be punched by everyone.
1300 metres from registration/parking to starts, the finish is not close to the start, and the finish is about 600 metres from download/parking. The walk to/from start & finish is along level, potentially muddy farm tracks.
Course | Length | Climb |
Brown | 6.4km | 230m |
Blue | 4.9km | 215m |
Green | 3.7km | 115m |
Short Green | 3.1km | 105m |
Light Green | 2.7km | 95m |
Orange | 2.6km | 105m |
Yellow | 2.0km | 75m |
White | 1.6km | 60m |
Control descriptions (loose) will be available at the start but also printed on the maps.
Courses close at 2:30pm. YOU MUST finish by this time, and should download as soon as you return to the assembly area.
Read more about Course lengths and Difficulty here
Entry Details
Pre-entry via:

Pre-entry closes on March 17th, for map number and printing purposes – but will reopen afterwards at the organisers discretion and depending on availability of maps.
There may be enough maps to allow entry on the day (cash only) but no guarantee that you will get the course of your choice. Pre-entry is strongly recommended
Registration and Start times
Registration, SI card hire, Enquiries, Download and First Aid are all at the parking area.
Registration open: 10.00-12.15
Start times: 10.30-12.30
Pre-entered competitors who have their own SI cards can go directly to the Start.
There will be a portaloo close to the registration area in the farmyard, and there will be a tea table at registration offering refreshments.
There will be plenty of covered space at Registration/Download to leave kit.
Dog restrictions
Dogs are permitted on leads at the registration area or if you wish to take your dog for a walk around the parklands, but they must always be on leads and may not accompany runners on courses.
Contacts / Officials
Organiser: Philippa Bushell & Alan Knight by email hidden; JavaScript is required
Planner: Karen Baker
Controller: Jim Mallinson
Nearest A&E Hospital
Safety Notes
No competitors will be permitted to run in shorts. Full body cover is advised as some competitors (mainly those on green, blue, and brown courses) are likely to encounter brambles. Course planning has tried to minimise this where possible.
No whistle no go. This will be checked.
In the event of poor weather, suitable protection e.g cagoules must be worn.
Thanks to the National Trust, and in particular to Amelia and Jason Greenway and family for allowing us to use their tracks and yard at Columbjohn Farm.