Plym BridgeSun 14 Jul

Viaduct plymbridge woods
Viaduct plymbridge woods
Credit: National Trust Images/John Millar


Local level event

What does this mean?

Local events are usually low key and in the 'localised' area, ideal for newcomers to try the sport and Training events are non competitive and used for training and coaching, aimed at members of the club, but they can attract people from neighbouring clubs, and are often ideal for newcomers to try the sport. Regional events attract participants from around the local Region, National events are high quality competitions that will attract people from far away, Major events are Major Events such as a British Championships. Virtual events are where there are no physical controls being used. Your presence at a control is registered using an App on your mobile phone, normally the free MapRun6 App.

Terrain type: Forest

Last updated: Sun 14 July, 2024


Final Results and Splits


This is a local event with an updated map of the Plymbridge area. The courses are set in grassland and forest in the Plym Valley. Courses avoid crossing the Plym River other than over bridges. The Medium & Long courses involve navigation on steep slopes. All abilities welcome, from novice to experienced.

Location Info

Near: Plymouth
Lat,Lng: 50.40223,-4.08956
OS Grid Ref: SX516579
Postcode: PL6 8LL
What3Words: ///tune.quiz.aura

Open an interactive map in:
GoogleMap - OpenStreetMap - AppleMaps - BingMap

Directions / Parking

Parking is at Chaddlewood Miners Football Club (Hoskins Park), Leigham Manor Road, past Riverside Caravan Park.

Leigham Manor Road is off Longbridge Road which runs around the back of Marsh Mills Retail Park, Plymouth. Event will be signed from the turn off.


Pre-event Details

Map / Terrain

Grassland, steep forest.

Course Information

Short (Orange standard): 3.4k 70m climb, Controls on obvious features, suitable for newcomers

Medium: 4.8k 160m controls a little way off line features

Long: 6.3k 240m climb for those with good navigation skills

Read more about Course lengths and Difficulty here

Entry Details

Enter on Racesignup here

Pre-entry fees – ages 25 and above £10, under 25 £3

Add £1 for non-member British Orienteering

Dibber hire £1

Entries on or after 8th July are £1 extra subject to map availability.

Entries on the day will be available, though will be subject to map availability.

Registration and Start times

Registration 10.00 -12.00

Start 10.30-12.30

Courses close at 14.30


NO TOILETS: We are unable to leave a portaloo at the event car park for security reasons so please use toilets at various stores/businesses in the Marsh Mills Retail Park (eg, McDonalds, Costa Coffee, KFC) or at Sainsbury’s off the A38.

Chaddlewood Miners Football Club are allowing us to park free of charge in the interests of promoting community sport. They will open their container café offering tea, coffee soft drinks, crisps and biscuits. We encourage you to use this facility.

Dog restrictions

Dogs only allowed on leads in the car park and assembly area

Contacts / Officials

Organisers: email hidden; JavaScript is required

Planner: Nicholas Maxwell (Steve Edmonds on the day)

Nearest A&E Hospital

Derriford Hospital Emergency Department Derriford Road Crownhill Plymouth PL6 8DH Tel: 01752 202082
NHS Urgent care search

Safety Notes

No whistle no go.

Crossing points marked on the map must be used to cross the river.

A crossing of a very minor road will be manned; please follow their instructions.

It is a popular area for dog walking and mountain biking, please be aware of other users in the area.

Be prepared for hot weather by wearing sun-screen and bring a cagoule if the weather is wet.


Thank you to the National Trust for allowing us to use the area and to Chaddlewood Football Miners Football Club for the use of their carpark and access to the area.