Whitchurch CommonSun 27 Oct
Devon League 2
Regional level event
What does this mean?
Local events are usually low key and in the 'localised' area, ideal for newcomers to try the sport and Training events are non competitive and used for training and coaching, aimed at members of the club, but they can attract people from neighbouring clubs, and are often ideal for newcomers to try the sport. Regional events attract participants from around the local Region, National events are high quality competitions that will attract people from far away, Major events are Major Events such as a British Championships. Virtual events are where there are no physical controls being used. Your presence at a control is registered using an App on your mobile phone, normally the free MapRun6 App.
Terrain type: Moorland
Thanks to Bryan Smith for his courses and Tom Lewis as Organiser and arranger of the glorious weather today!
Planner’s Report
What exceptional weather conditions! When planning courses high up on Dartmoor it is, of course, difficult to know what to expect, weather-wise. Initially, we had planned to start in the south-west of the map, but for access reasons agreed to have the assembly area and parking at Pork Hill instead. As it turned out, it was an excellent venue. I tried to plan courses with reasonable route choice. I also wanted to avoid the worst of the bracken and gorse, whilst also providing a challenge, making good use of the complexity the area offers. The Short Green was probably a little too physical. Otherwise, the winning times, with exceptions!, were about what I had hoped. I was delighted that JROS were able to take part -and delighted also to see so many juniors high up in the results. Many thanks in turn to the squad for collecting in all of the controls. Particular thanks to Steve Beech, Kerno, for Controlling today’s event, helping put out controls on the Saturday and then waking them all up this morning - and ensuring everything was up to scratch! Lastly, on behalf of Devon Orienteering Club and all participants, thanks to Dartmoor National Park for enabling the club to hold the event and for their role in liaising with local landowners.
Bryan Smith, Planner
Organiser's report
It always seems easy to organise events when the sun shines and everyone enjoys some great courses - thank you Bryan and Steve. The good weather did bring a deluge of dog walkers which meant that parking was very tight. We were probably down to the last space by the time the last orienteers arrived, with little good contingency. Phil Hall and Paul Ames did a fantastic job in marshalling parking and making sure we made the most of the space. And they even managed to get the ice cream van in. Imagine the scenes.
People were very resourceful and discrete given the absence of toilets, a stipulation of dartmoor park and I hope people were not too inconvenienced.
Thanks to Lottie and Rich Jackson for setting up the start and getting the show on the road, and to Matt Atkins for closing up. Thanks to Alan Knight for providing first aid support, although he unfortunately missed the only casualty who had cut his finger on the way to the event. Thanks to Becca Jackson and Karen Baker for manning registration and fielding enquiries. There seemed to be a lot of interest from passing walkers and some seemed genuinely keen on giving orienteering a go at a future event. The SI team, with true dedication, were first in and last out - thanks to Andy and Alison, with the help of Sarah Clough, for making this work as seamlessly as ever.
It was great to have the SWJOS take part in the event, especially as they volunteered to do all the control collection. I think this contributed a lot to the atmosphere around assembly, and it is this that makes other people wonder why they too are not part of such a fun and inclusive sport.
Whitchurch Common offers typical Dartmoor terrain. Incorporating Pew Tor, it has many crags, boulders and mine workings.
Location Info
Near: Tavistock Lat,Lng: 50.55733,-4.07552 OS Grid Ref: SX531751 Postcode: PL19 9JZ What3Words: ///liability.adopters.examine
Open an interactive map in: GoogleMap - OpenStreetMap - AppleMaps - BingMap
Directions / Parking
Pork Hill public car park, at Pork Hill.
Note: Due to the location of the event car park at Pork Hill, we have not been able to gain permission to site a portable toilet. Therefore, please make use of facilities e.g. in Tavistock or Princetown beforehand.
Pre-event Details
Map / Terrain
The terrain is open moorland, with good runnability in parts and on the path network, interspersed with thicker, tussocky grass and limited gorse. Bracken is mainly confined to the more southerly section of the area, much of which has been avoided by course planning. There is a wealth of rock features, including the more obvious tors. Parts of the area also have numerous small depressions and pits. The Grimstone and Sortridge Leat runs through much of the mapped area.
Map scale 1: 7500.
As with many orienteering events, there is no legend on the Whitchurch map. Prior to the event, please follow this link if you are unfamiliar with orienteering map symbols. We also intend to provide hard copies of standard map symbols at registration, should you want to pick up a copy.
Course Information
The event is the 2nd event of the Devon League Series.
Courses (with straight-line distances, climb, number of controls):
Brown: 7.4km, 245m, 24 Controls
Blue: 5.5km, 180m, 21 Controls
Green: 4.1km, 130m, 17 Controls
Short Green: 3.1km, 70m, 15 Controls
Light Green: 3.8km, 130m, 16 Controls
Orange: 2.7km, 70m, 14 Controls
Yellow: 2.0km, 35m, 11 Controls
This event will use the SportIdent electronic system. Control stations will be enabled for touch free punching (SIAC) but competitors will need to punch the start and finish control. All control sites will have a backup system in the event of control failure.
Whitchurch Common is an exposed location, so be prepared, particularly if the forecast is poor. Cagoules may be advised or required.
Read more about Course lengths and Difficulty here
Entry Details

Entry until closing date of midnight on Sunday 20th October.
Entries after this time according to map availability.
BOF members fees: £10 seniors, £5 novice, £3 juniors and students. Novice £5. Group £6 (2 maps). Dibber charge £1.Entry fee for non BOF members plus £1.
Entry fee after 20th October plus £1 - whilst maps are available.
Registration and Start times
Registration 1000 - 1215
Course starts 1030 - 1230
Course closes 1430
IMPORTANT: Due to the location of the event car park at Pork Hill, we have not been able to gain permission to site a portable toilet. Therefore, please make use of facilities e.g. in Tavistock or Princetown beforehand
Dog restrictions
Dogs not allowed on course. Allowed on leads in registration area.
Contacts / Officials
Organiser Tom Lewis: email hidden; JavaScript is required
phone: 07938764579
Nearest A&E Hospital
Derriford Hospital PL6 8DH
NHS Urgent care search
Safety Notes
Full leg covering is required. Check for tick bites after the event.
In the event of inclement weather, suitable protection eg cagoule, must be carried or worn, and will be checked. Signs will be displayed at registration.
Devon orienteering club operates a “No Whistle No Go” policy. These will be checked at the start.
All runners must be aware that Orienteering can be hazardous, and they compete at own risk.
Safety bearing - walk north to B3357 and walk to registration