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Role descriptions
Club role descriptions
- One of the Club’s 4 ‘elected officers’ (normally for a 3 year term)
- Act as an ambassador for the club.
- Call meetings when appropriate, in conjunction with the Club Secretary
- Help secure the strategic direction of the club, informed by the club development plan.
- Identify and support key committee roles.
- Ensure that committee members are aware of their roles and responsibilities.
- Chair committee meetings.
- Act as a mediator at times of disagreement or uncertainty as necessary.
- Motivate and enthuse members of the committee in carrying out their roles.
- Liaise with SWOA and BOF as necessary
- One of the Club’s 4 ‘elected officers’ (normally for a 3 year term)
- Prepare and forward agendas for meetings.
- Produce and circulate minutes of committee meeting.
- Book committee meeting venues when required.
- Prepare AGM minutes and forward notices to members for AGM.
- Notify BOF of changes to office holders.
- Deal with club correspondence received.
- Retain documentation of a permanent nature on the Club shared drive and oversee access.
- Upload completed event risk assessments to OneDrive for future reference.
- One of the Club’s 4 ‘elected officers’ (normally for a 3 year term)
- Maintain accurate and up-to-date financial records for the club.
- Establish and maintain club bank account and banking arrangements.
- Report financial position to the committee
- Pay any bills occurred.
- Prepare end of year financial report for AGM.
- Advise Club Committee members on financial implications of policy and club actions
Club Captain:
- One of the Club’s 4 ‘elected officers’ (normally for a 3 year term)
- Encourage club members to take part in significant relay and team events
- Inform members how they may take part
- Organise club teams for those relay events including the JK, British Championship Relays and the Compass Sport Cup
- Ensure teams are entered appropriately for those events
- Produce relevant reports to promote the Club along with the Social Secretary, Newsletter editor and website administrator
Membership Secretary:
- Keep joining details up to date on the club website and the British Orienteering website.
- File the Annual Club Returns for BOF
- Maintain the club membership database and produce annual membership lists.
- Send welcome packs to new members, including a brief survey of orienteering experience and aspirations and encourage members to renew each year.
- Act as a contact point for all membership queries.
- Highlight membership benefits advertised by BOF.
- Maintain circulation lists for email distribution (eg, for event organisers seeking helpers).
Fixtures Secretary:
- Work with the Access Officer and the Mapping Coordinator and draft a future 3 year planner for events, guided by broad policy direction from the DOC Committee.
- Attend meetings of the Access /Fixtures /Mapping group.
- Liaise with the Access Officer and Mapping Coordinator regarding permissions and any conditions that may apply, making the event team aware, so these are complied with.
- Prepare reports for committee meetings including updates to the 3 year planner and a combined Access, Mapping, and Fixtures report.
- Liaise with the SWOA Fixtures Secretary to coordinate club events within the SWOA calendar, and maintain contact with neighbouring clubs to avoid event clashes.
- Identify and allocate all necessary officials for club events, including controllers from other clubs for Level C events and above where necessary.
- Monitor the list of qualified club members who are able to take on roles as event officials, and advise the Volunteer Coordinator where training is needed to maintain the list of active officials available for all events.
- Liaise with the Website Content Manager to ensure members can view information for future events, and work with event Organisers to make sure that detailed flier information is posted in good time.
- Liaise with Newsletter Manager to ensure event details and entry reminders are included in the newsletter.
- Liaise with the Devon League Coordinator regarding league events each season.
- Provide guidance and support to event officials depending on their level of experience to ensure smooth running of all events.
Access Officer:
- Co-ordinate contact with land owners and estate managers
- Work with the Fixtures Secretary and the Mapping Officer to draft a future programme of events, guided by broad policy direction from the DOC Committee
- Attend meetings of the Access /Fixtures /Mapping group
- Seek to obtain permission from land owners and managers for proposed future events (and activities where appropriate).
- Liaise with the Fixtures Secretary, and Mapping Officer as appropriate, regarding access permission decisions, issues and any specific access conditions
- Report to the Club Committee regarding the state of Access permissions, with a particular focus on potential issues.
- Liaise with landowners post event regarding any access issues and to register thanks for permissions
- Seek to identify potential new areas for future events
- Maintain a data base (on the club OneDrive) of Access contacts and areas
- Maintain links with BOF Access developments e.g. through Access Officers Whatsapp group.
Timing Team Leader:
- Establish a group of club members with the expertise to run the computer system at events.
- Store the timing equipment, and deal with necessary battery changes and any losses or failures
- Help secure event safety through the Timing computer record in order that that all competitors are “counted out” via the Check control at the Start and “counted back in again” at Download.
- Provide Timing data to the event organiser, controller and competitors, checking that all controls have been visited in the prescribed order and producing the Results List for each course.
Volunteer Co-ordinator:
- Become familiar with club membership and a point of contact for club members
- Make contact and welcome new club members
- Find out how much help each club member can give and which roles they would prefer to undertake
- Compile a data base from the above
- Find out if members have any existing skills that can be used by the club
- Keep records of event officials to ensure there are enough qualified people to organise events
- Keep data base of first aiders up to date
- Ensure that training sessions are organised on a regular basis for – event organisers, planners, controllers, first aiders and safeguarding and/or raise awareness of other opportunities outside the Club.
Development Officer:
- Encourage any activity to further the success of the club.
- Ensure the club Development Plan (with a focus on increasing membership, opportunities to participate and volunteer, club identity, and promoting financial security) is routinely monitored and updated as required by the committee and in the light of wider engagement with club members.
Map Archivist:
- Liaise with club mappers regarding matters arising from committee meetings.
- Be first point of contact for organisers and planners to prepare for events.
- Organise the updating of maps when required in conjunction with the fixtures secretary and the Mapping Group.
- Maintain the electronic archive of club maps
- Arrange the commercial printing of maps for events and the delivery to Event Officials.
- Organise the distribution of course setting software to new planners of events.
Devon League coordinator:
- Clarify which events count as Devon League events each year.
- Summarise the rules for each year’s competition.
- Maintain a spreadsheet following each event to show everyone how they are doing on each of the courses and pass it on to the web master for publication.
- Provide an information board at league events to show people the results.
- Provide commentary on the results on a regular basis during the year and at the end of the year for the website.
- Produce certificates at the end of the year for the male and female prize winners.
Junior and young adult representative:
- Help to ensure that the voice of juniors and young adults informs the work of the club committee, club developments and priorities.
- Engage with other junior - and senior - members of the club so that juniors can participate regularly in club events, training, volunteering and social activities.
- Help put on at least one event per year, organised primarily by juniors and young people in the club.
- Identify young people who may provide reports on events for the website and club newsletter.
- Help with publicity and promotion so that more young people may consider joining the club and taking part in events.
- Work with the Club Captain and others to promote junior representation at regional and national events such as the Yvette Baker, Compass Sport Cup and at relay competitions.
- Represent juniors and young people to bid for funding to attend prestigious training and competitions, regionally, nationally and internationally.
Club coach:
- Coordinate opportunities for novices to learn basic skills for navigation, and map reading and transfer those into performing at orienteering events.
- Advise on training programmes and tips for club members at all levels.
- Direct members to BOF and other resources aimed at enhancing skills and performance.
Permanent orienteering courses coordinator:
- Be familiar with each POC in Devon and their respective usage via www.goorienteering.org.uk
- Work with other stakeholders to promote their use.
- Coordinate the local inspection of periodic (perhaps annual) inspections of all sites used for the POCs, and the need for re-mapping and provide a report to the Committee with any recommendations for action.
- Identify ways for the POCs to promote Devon OC and its events and activities.
- Propose opportunities for training activities using the POCs.
- Identify interest and opportunities for additional POCs in Devon.
- Advise the Committee on new opportunities to manage and use POCS (eg, update on the use of QR codes placed on the controls).
Communications/newsletter/publicity lead (not yet confirmed):
- Use information from a variety of sources (eg, event organiser, member submissions, club captain and coach) to communicate to the whole membership about opportunities and event/training experiences, and social activities to facilitate the Club’s aim to build a strong identity. Communications may be via social media (eg, Facebook, What’sApp) the Club website and e-mails to members.
- Identify opportunities to promote events, activities and membership to non-Club members through flyers, non-Club social media networks, and targeted groups.