Ben Perry selection for JROS training camp
Congratulations to Ben for his selection for a Junior Regional Orienteering Squad training camp, close to Stockholm in August 2024.
Part-year membership fee to newcomersBritish Orienteering offer from
As agreed at the AGM 2023, from 1 May 2024 British Orienteering are offering an exclusive part-year Membership to new members.
Lympstone Marine Training Camp orienteering taster
Report by Adrian Taylor of session held in conjunction with Royal Marines.
Lucy Walker selected for EOC
Devon member Lucy Walker has been selected for the GBR team for the European Orienteering Championships. Congratulations to her!
The competition takes place in Mor, Hungary from 15 - 20 August 2024
Lucy Walker BOC3rd place at British Champs
Lucy Walker was 3rd in W21E in Yorkshire to earn a place on the podium (and got to stand next to Steve Cram)! Well done, Lucy, and to all those from Devon who competed.
JK 2024Devon at 'International Festival of Orienteering'
One of the calendar's big weekends in the Midlands saw plenty of Devon members make the journey, and particular successes for Lucy Walker, 2nd place on W21E, Tom Lillicrap, 2nd place on M75L, and Mike Wimpenny for 4th place on M75L.