
Safeguarding and Volunteer Co-ordinator

Helen Taylor

Role Description

Safeguarding Role (to be added):

Volunteer Co-ordinator Role:

- Become familiar with club membership and a point of contact for club members
- Make contact and welcome new club members
- Find out how much help each club member can give and which roles they would prefer to undertake
- Compile a data base from the above
- Find out if members have any existing skills that can be used by the club
- Keep records of event officials to ensure there are enough qualified people to organise events
- Keep data base of first aiders up to date
- Ensure that training sessions are organised on a regular basis for – event organisers, planners, controllers, first aiders and safeguarding
- Organise club social events

Send a message to:
Safeguarding and Volunteer Co-ordinator, Helen Taylor