Activity Dates Spring & Summer 2024Training and Maprun

Last updated: Wed 1 May 2024

Devon Orienteering Club are going to run a series of “training activities” from the end of April to give individuals the chance to improve their Orienteering through either coaching or through regular practice. At this stage we are mainly on Saturday mornings from 1000 to 1230 with the venues close to the A38 corridor. These are open to both club members and also others who are interested in Orienteering… they might then choose to join.

In each case we will need you to express your interest through the Racesignup website so we can keep tabs on numbers and tailor the activities to the individuals. If you can sign up early please do as we will be doing the final planning a week ahead of the actual date.

Who is it aimed at ? Nearly everybody is the answer. If you are quite new to Orienteering and need coaching we will have a group going through the basics. If more experienced and just need the practice we will have some exercises to get you thinking and no doubt there will be a group in the middle as well getting guidance.

From about age 10 most children can take part but we strongly encourage parents to have a go as well…… especially where the children are at the youngest end.

What do you need to bring ? Yourself, in sensible clothing, trainers ( or Trail shoes if you have them) plus a drinks bottle and a light snack which goes down well. If you have a compass and whistle bring them with you but we will have spares. If its going to rain a lightweight waterproof make sense. We will generally carry on whatever the weather unless it is really poor.

How much will it cost ? Currently £4 per week to cover map printing costs, access and coaches travel costs.

Saturday April 27th : Haldon Forest Country Park (further details here) (Experienced will include a TD4 5 KM corridor course)

Saturday May 4th : Haldon Forest Country Park (further details here) 1000 to 1230 (Experienced will include TD4 Donut Training Attack point identification)

Saturday May 18th : Haldon Forest Country Park (further details here)  1000 to 1230

Sunday May 26th : Parke (PERMISSION WITHDRAWN)

Saturday June 1st : Haytor Middle Car Park (further details here) 1000 to 1230

Saturday 22nd June : Parke National Trust, Bovey Tracey (further details here) 1000 to 1230

Saturday 6th July : Haldon Forest Country Park (further details here) 1000 to 1230

Summer Dartmoor Maprun league : Saturday mornings 3rd to 31st August with Orange green and Blue courses on the moor. Details to follow.